The Power of Breath

Upcoming Breathwork Ceremonies

Experience the healing that comes from connection in community with other soul-centered humans.

Wednesday, October 23rd. 6:30-8:30 pm

Sunday, November 10th 4-6 pm @ Holistika in Lafayette

Thursday, November 21st. 6:30-8:30 pm


space limited to 8

all genders welcome

What is Breathwork?

Release Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Blocks with Conscious Breathwork

Breathwork has been used in many cultures throughout history, allowing people safe access to non-ordinary realms for healing and spiritual growth. This gentle breathing technique floods your body with energy, helping to move, shift, and release physical and emotional blockages. As your body and heart open, your nervous system calms, and healing is possible.

Breathwork is safe and gentle, and almost everyone will have a deeply profound experience. In each session, your breath offers you what is most needed for you at that time. It’s a beautiful and nurturing opportunity for growth and healing.

Breathwork sessions can help:

  • deepen a spiritual connection

  • promote a deep sense of relaxation

  • release unprocessed or stuck emotions to help you move forward

  • unblock physical and emotional healing on a deep cellular level

  • increase your compassion for yourself and others

  • release disempowering and limiting beliefs and open yourself to new possibilities

  • increase levels of awareness and intuition

  • provide a safe and natural way to experience expanded states of consciousness

  • allow you to connect with and live more fully in your most authentic state

Breathwork is a powerful tool that allows you to access more of yourself and your light. This transformational practice offers you a deeper connection to yourself and your body, allowing you to do the work needed to heal and release old wounds and fully step into your power.

There are 3 parts to a Breathwork Session, or Ceremony. Whether you are in a private or group session, we begin with introductions and an explanation of the circular, rhythmic breath you will be using and a sharing of your intention or purpose for participating. This is an opportunity for you to share what is most present for you and to be witnessed by others. Next is the journey of breath, which lasts about an hour. You settle into your cozy “nest” with your blanket and eye mask, let the powerful music guide you as you “pull your breath” - activating, moving, and shifting energy throughout your body. The second half of the breath journey is enjoyed with relaxed breathing and calming music, inviting in more peace, processing, and healing. The session ends with a time of sharing and learning how to integrate what you experienced. Many people experience profound shifts or awakenings during their session and for these to have a lasting impact on your life it is important you fully process and continue to utilize integration practices following your session. Please know that however you process is respected. You never have to share anything you are not ready to.

Are you ready to discover what’s waiting for you in your breath?

"Aimee is a natural teacher and gifted coach. My breathwork session revealed an area of inner work that, with Aimee's coaching support, I am feeling ready and safe to explore. "

-Lisa, Breathwork Client

"My breathwork session with Aimee was extremely powerful. I received insights into myself that would have taken hours or months of therapy to uncover."

— Breathwork Client

"Just one session was life-changing. I'm grateful to Aimee for creating such a nurturing and safe space to explore this incredible tool of self-discovery. I am ready for more!"

— Laura, Breathwork Client

"My breathwork session left me feeling more calm and relaxed than I've felt in a long time. More please!”

— Breathwork Client

"Thank you, Aimee, for providing a safe place and an opportunity to experience how breathwork can play a role in profound energy shifts — emotional, physical, psychological — the list goes on. I look forward to delving deeper with more sessions!

— Robin, Breathwork Client

“My breathwork experience was above and beyond anything I had imagined. It was sooooo amazing, Aimee!! Thank you!!!! I'll definitely be booking more sessions!"

— Breathwork Client


Breathwork is not advised for persons with severe mental illness or seizure disorders or for persons using major medications. It is also unsuitable for anyone with a personal or family history of aneurysms. Pregnant women are advised against practicing Breathwork without first consulting and getting approval from their primary care physician. Persons with asthma should bring their inhaler and consult with their primary care physician and the Breathwork class facilitator.