Aimee Ames

Shadow Dancer + Light Seeker

“Aimee is incredibly gifted at helping women find themselves.”

-Jen, 12-week Course Participant

How I found my light…

In my early 40s I found myself physically unwell and realized the random assortment of systemic dysfunction (IBS, endometriosis, thyroid nodules, chronic exhaustion) was my body begging for help.  I listened and changed my diet and made some lifestyle adjustments. I physically felt better, but wasn’t much happier. I was emotionally exhausted and untethered. I had been in survival mode with my 3 young children for 15 years and had lost any sense of self I once had.

I started prioritizing myself.

I learned about and began practicing boundaries with my time and energy, saying no to anything that wasn’t a “hell yes”. I learned that I had experienced more trauma than I realized, my nervous system and adrenals were shot, and I needed to make some significant changes if I wanted to truly be happy.

I spent time with myself. I explored more of nature. I began meditating. I turned down the volume on the outer noise and started hearing the voice inside of me, the voice that had always been there but had been silenced for so long.

I realized I had been living as the woman I was taught to be. Outer influences — my family, teachers, my church, my husband, my friends, media, and the system of patriarchy — had molded me. And I went along with it.

In my solitude I found the woman waiting for me. The woman I was always meant to be.


I was called to “wake up” and begin consciously living my life on a new path with new rules. My path. My rules.

I found my sovereignty.

Other women who were on a path similar to my own started appearing in my life. We joined together and I learned a new way of being with women, witnessing each other in both our wounding and in our dreaming. Coming together to heal, to celebrate, to grow. Never feeling threatened, knowing that our collective supports us in going deeper than we could ever go on our own. I healed more deeply in our gatherings than I thought possible.

I believe that at some point, often in midlife, a greater power offers us a tap on the shoulder. It could be in the form of a career change, a relationship shift, a death, a diagnosis, or more subtlety as chronic unhappiness.


That tap offers us a choice.


We can listen to and embrace it, leading us to a new path and a more profound, deeper existence honoring our soul’s purpose and who we are called to be, or we can ignore the tap, continue living as we have been, and never know the beautiful and fulfilling life that could have been.


I found my light and it’s brighter than I ever imagined. How about yours?


What are you choosing for your one, most precious life?

Always Evolving,

Aimee Ames

Aimee was born and raised in Northern California, where she is now co-parenting her 3 teenagers with as much grace and open-mindedness as possible. She is happiest when she practices her favorite self-intimacy practices, including but not limited to warm water and lemon hydration, meditating, oracle and tarot card play, intuitive eating, moving her body in ways that make her feel strong and happy, dancing around her house to her theme song of the moment - sometimes naked, sometimes clothed - living alcohol-free, and eating real food that her grandparents would recognize (even though her teens don’t always). Aimee finds a deep and loving connection to her dad’s spirit, herself, and Spirit in nature, especially near water and mountains. She has a stack of emotional support books next to her bed and is slowly but surely making her way through them. Aimee listens to Abraham Hicks, is open to exploring alternative therapies for healing root causes, especially around the heart and soul, loves a good dance party, and has compassion and love for all souls stumbling and soaring through their human experience. Oh — she’s also a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, certified Intuitive Body Coach, a Breathwork Facilitator, and a former 1st grade teacher. Her bio would not be complete without mentioning her love for her sweet and sassy little black cat, Olive.

Are you ready to find your light?

If you’re curious about how working together can change your life, let’s talk!